Special Characters in IMAP Folders

I was always wondering, why folders on an Exchange server, containing special characters in the name, show up that different in the IMAP protocol (e.g. using Mail::IMAPClient in Perl scripts).

But now I understand, this is just the result of the IMAP specification, that uses a modified UTF-7 encoding for non-ASCII characters (see RFC 2060, section 5.1.3).

If you ever need to automatically convert folder names into that modified UTF-7, the Perl module Encode::IMAPUTF7 may render useful.

The German Umlauts are encoded in the following way:

ISO-8859-15 IMAP-UTF-7
ä &AOQ-
ö &APY-
ü &APw-
Ü &ANw-
ß &AN8-

Review 2024

Revisiting this topic in 2024, I first tried to get a Perl with that Module running in a container. And it was easier than expected.

  • Open Alpine Linux: docker run -it --rm docker.io/library/alpine

  • Install the Perl module: apk install perl-encode-imaputf7

  • To encode into IMAP-UTF-7 in a UTF-8 enabled shell:

    perl -MEncode::IMAPUTF7 \
      -e '
        print Encode::IMAPUTF7::encode(
          Encode::decode("UTF-8", "ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß")
        ), "\n"
    # Output: &AOQ- &APY- &APw- &AMQ- &ANY- &ANw- &AN8-
  • Have fun with even more diacritics.

    perl -MEncode::IMAPUTF7 \
      -e '
        print Encode::IMAPUTF7::encode(
          Encode::decode("UTF-8", "á à á à â é è ø")
        ), "\n"
    # Output: &AOE- &AOA- &AOE- &AOA- &AOI- &AOk- &AOg- &APg-
  • It’s interesting how the & is handled, just the prefix & and suffix - with nothing inbetween.

    perl -MEncode::IMAPUTF7 \
      -e '
        print Encode::IMAPUTF7::encode(
          Encode::decode("UTF-8", "& a&b")
        ), "\n"
    # Output: &- a&-b